New Students

New, Transient, and Transfer students must go through the orientation process prior to registering for classes. Once the pre-Registration survey has been submitted, students will be registered by an advisement team. For more information about Orientation, please contact the

Office of Admissions at (478) 289-2017.


Continuing and Returning Students

Beginning Spring 2023, East Georgia State College continuing and returning students registration will be done in a priority registration (time ticketing) format. This means at the start of an open registration event, students will be allowed to registered at their designated (assigned) times by group. 

Current Priority Registration Schedule:

        • Group #1- Athletes, Adult Learners (25+), and Junior & Senior classes will be able to register two weeks prior to the advertised open registration event.
        • Group #2- Freshmen, Sophomores, and Dual Enrollment students will be able to register beginning on the first day of the advertised open registration event.
        • Group #3- Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) students will be able to register three days before the start of a semester (per USG policy).

Former Students

Previously attending students who have not attended for two or more consecutive semesters must complete and submit a Former Student Application via GAFutures at least 4 weeks prior to the state of a semester. See additional readmission information here.

Before Registering for Classes

All students must see an advisor to have the Advisement hold removed from their Banner web account before they will be able to register.

    • Students must schedule appointments with their academic advisor. (please check your degree works or bannerweb account to determine who’s your advisor).
    • Academic Advisors will work with the student to determine if the student has any holds preventing them from registration, review their curriculum plan, and advise students on courses in which they will need to register for the upcoming semester
    • Once the student has been advised, the academic advisor will release the advising hold (AV) which will allow the student to register for advised classes

How to Register for Classes

      1. Log in to your student portal.
      2. Open Banner Web from the homepage of the portal.
      3. Click Student Records.
      4. Click Registration.
      5. Select the available registration term and click "Submit Term."
      6. Click Add/Drop Classes.
        You may search for classes to add or, if you know the CRN number for the classes you'd like to add, you may add them to your registration.
      7. Enter the selected CRNs and click Submit Changes.
      8. If you need to drop a course from your registration, choose Drop in the action block and click Submit Changes.
      9. From the registration menu, you may click Student Detail Schedule to view and print your course schedule. 

Click here for list of common registration holds (PDF)

Transient Student Registration

Incoming Transient Students

Students registering with EGSC as a transient student must confirm that their Transient Permission Form has been received  from their home institution with the Office of the Registrar and must provide documentation with the course information (i.e. Course name, number, and CRN ) to complete the registration process.

Outgoing Transient Students

Students who regard EGSC as their home institution and wish to attend another institution for a specific semester must complete the EGSC’s Transient Permission Form and submit it with supportive documentation to the Office of the Registrar for approval. If approved, the registration process will be handled with the transient institution.

Student Tuition & Fees 

Tuition and fees are due at the point of registration and no later than the Final Fee payment deadline which usually falls on the third business day of the semester (see the Academic Calendar).

The Fee payment deadlines apply to all students including those who are applying for financial aid.  If students apply for aid and it is not available by the time fees are due, Students are still expected to pay from their own resources. Those eligible for aid will be reimbursed once it is posted to their account.

The Business Office will invoice student CatMail Account to the cost of their tuition and fees each semester.
Student’s registration is subject to be dropped if you financial obligation to the institution is not satisfied by the Fee payment deadline.

(Note: students who register and decide not to attend must complete the schedule adjustment form or to formally drop their classes before the first day of the semester and no later than the last day of the Drop/Add Schedule adjustment period).