Core IMPACTS Curriculum

The Core Curriculum at East Georgia State College follows USG BoR Policy 3.3.1, including the system-wide Learning Outcomes and Career-Ready Competencies that have been established for each Core IMPACTS area. To be included in a Core IMPACTS area, courses must address the approved Learning Outcomes and Career-Ready Competencies for that area. Career-Ready Competencies are broad transferable skills that go beyond the content of specific courses. These competencies are defined in the table below.

Competency Definition
Critical Thinking Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative approaches to solving problems and making decisions.
Ethical Reasoning Assessing one’s own ethical values, recognizing ethical issues in a variety of settings, thinking about how different perspectives might apply to ethical dilemmas, and considering the ramifications of alternative actions.
Information Literacy Recognizing when information is needed, and locating, evaluating, synthesizing, and effectively using the needed information, while appropriately crediting the original source of information.
Inquiry and Analysis Exploring the world, and supporting informed conclusions through the collection, evaluation, and use of relevant evidence.
Intercultural Competence Developing knowledge, skills and behaviors that support effective and appropriate interaction in a variety of cultural contexts. 
Perspective-Taking Considering perspectives other than one’s own and allowing new information, differing opinions, and others’ experiences to impress upon one’s thinking, understanding, and appreciation of others. 
Persuasion Using messages that are intentionally designed to appeal to another’s reason, emotions, or both, in order to enact change. 
Problem-Solving Designing, evaluating, and implementing strategies to solve problems using data, knowledge and facts. 
Teamwork Building and maintaining collaborative relationships to work effectively toward common goals, while appreciating diverse viewpoints and shared responsibilities. 
Time Management Prioritizing and structuring tasks and resources to achieve an effective use of time while performing goal-directed activities. 


4 hours

Orienting Question: How does my institution help me to navigate the world?

Learning Outcome: Students will demonstrate the ability to think critically and solve problems related to academic priorities at their institution.

Career Ready Competencies: Critical Thinking, Teamwork, Time Management

CATS 1101 Critical & Academic Thinking for Success 1
Choose One:
BUSA 1000 Professionalism in the Workplace 3
COMM 1010 Intercultural Communication 3
COMM 1110 Public Speaking 3
ENGL 1104 Introduction to Business & Technical Communication 3
Institutional Priority:
East Georgia State College is committed to preparing students to take their next steps toward their career, whether that be further study or entering the workforce. Thus, the institutional academic priority at EGSC is career readiness. This area of the core will provide students with the option to select courses that are best suited to their individual needs and interests, while maintaining a focus on critical thinking and problem solving within the context of preparing them for their chosen career. The courses will have a broad focus, making them relevant to all career paths. The phrase “College to Career” will be used as the simplified theme for this area.


3 hours

Orienting Question: How do I measure the world?

Learning Outcome: Students will apply mathematical and computational knowledge to interpret, evaluate, and communicate quantitative information using verbal, numerical, graphical or symbolic forms.

Career Ready Competencies: Information Literacy, Inquiry and Analysis, Problem-Solving

Choose One:
MATH 1001 Quantitative Skills and Reasoning 3
MATH 1101 Introduction to Mathematical Modeling 3
MATH 1111 College Algebra 3
MATH 1113 Pre-Calculus 3


6 hours

Orienting Question: How do I prepare for my responsibilities as an engaged citizen?

Learning Outcome: Students will demonstrate knowledge of the history of the United States, the history of Georgia, and the provisions and principles of the United States Constitution and the Constitution of Georgia.

Career Ready Competencies: Critical Thinking, Persuasion, Intercultural Competence

POLS 1101 American Government 3
Choose One:
HIST 2111 Survey of U.S. History I 3
HIST 2112 Survey of U.S. History II 3


6 hours

Orienting Question: How do I interpret the human experience through creative, linguistic, and philosophical works?

Learning Outcome: Students will effectively analyze and interpret the meaning, cultural significance, and ethical implications of literary/philosophical texts or of works in the visual/performing arts.

Career Ready Competencies: Information Literacy, Intercultural Competence,
Ethical Reasoning

Choose One:
ENGL 2111 World Literature I 3
ENGL 2112 World Literature II 3
ENGL 2120 British Literature 3
ENGL 2130 American Literature 3
Choose One:
ART 1100 Introduction to Art 3
ART 2030 Art History I 3
ART 2031 Art History II 3
ENGL 2111 World Literature I 3
ENGL 2112 World Literature II 3
ENGL 2120 British Literature 3
ENGL 2130 American Literature 3
ENGL 2140 African-American Literature 3
ENGL 2150 Survey of Children's Literature 3
FILM 1100 Introduction to Film 3
FREN 1011 Elementary French I 3
FREN 1002 Elementary French II 3
FREN 2001 Intermediate French I 3
FREN 2002 Intermediate French II 3
MUSC 1100 Music Appreciation 3
PHIL 2010 Introduction to Philosophy 3
SPAN 1001 Elementary Spanish I 3
SPAN 1002 Elementary Spanish II 3
SPAN 2001 Intermediate Spanish I 3
SPAN 2002 Intermediate Spanish II 3
THEA 1100 Theatre Appreciation 3


6 hours

Orienting Question: How do I write effectively in different contexts?

Learning Outcome: 

      1. Students will communicate effectively in writing, demonstrating clear organization and structure, using appropriate grammar and writing conventions.

      2. Students will appropriately acknowledge the use of materials from original sources.

      3. Students will adapt their written communications to purpose and audience.

      4. Students will analyze and draw informed inferences from written texts.

Career Ready Competencies: Critical Thinking, Information Literacy, Persuasion

ENGL 1101 English Composition I 3
ENGL 1102 English Composition II 3


11 - 12 hours

Orienting Question: How do I ask scientific questions or use data, mathematics, or technology to understand the universe?

Learning Outcome: Students will use the scientific method and laboratory procedures or mathematical and computational methods to analyze data, solve problems, and explain natural phenomena.

Career Ready Competencies: Teamwork, Inquiry & Analysis, Problem-Solving

STEM MAJORS  (AA Liberal Arts – Computer Science & AS Natural Sciences) 
Choose two of the following courses (8 credit hours)
BIOL 1107K Principles of Biology I 4
BIOL 1108K Principles of Biology II 4
CHEM 1211K Principles of Chemistry I 4
CHEM 1212K Principles of Chemistry II 4
PHYS 2211K Physics I - Classical Mechanics 4
PHYS 2212K Physics II - Electricity, Magnetism, Optics 4
Choose one of the following courses (3 - 4 credit hours)
CSCI 1301 Programming Principles I 4
CSCI 1302 Programming Principles II 4
CHEM 1211K Principles of Chemistry I 4
CHEM 1212K Principles of Chemistry II 4
DATA 1501 Introduction to Data Science 3
MATH 1113 Pre-Calculus 3
MATH 1401 Elementary Statistics 3
MATH 1232 Survey of Calculus 3
MATH 1540* Calculus I 4
MATH 2012 Calculus II 4
PHYS 2211K Physics I - Classical Mechanics 4
PHYS 2212K Physics II - Electricity, Magnetism, Optics 4
*NOTE: MATH 1540 is recommended.
Choose a sequence of two lab sciences (8 credit hours)
BIOL 1103/L Intro to Biology I + Lab 4
BIOL 1104/L Intro to Biology II + Lab 4
BIOL 1107K* Principles of Biology I 4
BIOL 1108K* Principles of Biology II 4
CHEM 1211K Principles of Chemistry I 4
CHEM 1212K Principles of Chemistry II 4
*NOTE: Students planning to transfer to a 4-year nursing program should take BIOL 1107K and BIOL 1108K
Choose one of the following (3 - 4 credit hours)
CSCI 1301 Programming Principles I 4
CSCI 1302 Programming Principles II 4
CHEM 1211K Principles of Chemistry I 4
CHEM 1212K Principles of Chemistry II 4
DATA 1501 Introduction to Data Science 3
MATH 1113 Pre-Calculus 3
MATH 1401* Elementary Statistics 3
MATH 1232 Survey of Calculus 3
MATH 1540 Calculus I 4
MATH 2012 Calculus II 4
PHYS 2211K Physics I - Classical Mechanics 4
PHYS 2212K Physics II - Electricity, Magnetism, Optics 4
*NOTE: MATH 1401 is recommended
NON-STEM MAJORS  (All programs not listed above)
Choose one of the following courses (4 credit hours)
BIOL 1103/L Intro Biology I + Lab 4
BIOL 1104/L Intro Biology II + Lab 4
BIOL 1107K Principles of Biology I 4
BIOL 1108K Principles of Biology II 4
CHEM 1211K Principles of Chemistry I 4
CHEM 1212K Principles of Chemistry II 4
GEOL 1121K Physical Geology 4
GEOL 1122K Historical Geology 4
ISCI 1101K Integrated Science 4
PHYS 2211K Physics I - Classical Mechanics 4
PHYS 2212K Physics II - Electricity, Magnetism, Optics 4
Choose two of the following (7 - 8 credit hours)
BIOL 1103/L Intro Biology I + Lab 4
BIOL 1104/L Intro Biology II + Lab 4
BIOL 1107K Principles of Biology I 4
BIOL 1108K Principles of Biology II 4
CSCI 1301 Programming Principles I 4
CSCI 1302 Programming Principles II 4
CHEM 1211K  Principles of Chemistry I 4
CHEM 1212K Principles of Chemistry II 4
DATA 1501 Introduction to Data Science 3
ENVS 2202 Environmental Science 3
GEOL 1121K Physical Geology 4
GEOL 1122K Historical Geology 4
MATH 1113 Pre-Calculus 3
MATH 1401* Elementary Statistics 3
MATH 1232 Survey of Calculus 3
MATH 1540 Calculus I 4
MATH 2012 Calculus II 4
PHYS 2211K Physics I - Classical Mechanics 4
PHYS 2212K Physics II - Electricity, Magnetism, Optics 4
*NOTE: MATH 1401 is recommended for business majors


6 hours

Orienting Question: How do I understand human experiences and connections?

Learning Outcome: Students will effectively analyze the complexity of human behavior, and how historical, economic, political, social, or geographic relationships develop, persist, or change.

Career Ready Competencies: Persuasion, Intercultural Competence,
Perspective Taking

Choose two of the following:
ECON 2105 Principles of Macroeconomics 3
ECON 2106 Principles of Microeconomics 3
HIST 1111 World History I 3
HIST 1112 World History II 3
HIST 1121 Western Civilization I 3
HIST 1122 Western Civilization II 3
HIST 2111 Survey of U.S. History I 3
HIST 2112 Survey of U.S. History II 3
HIST 2200 Black History 3
HIST 2300 History of Science 3
POLS 2301 Comparative Politics 3
POLS 2401 Global Issues 3
PSYC 1101 Introduction to General Psychology 4
SOCI 1101 Introduction to Sociology 3