Approved by President's Cabinet 8/9/23; Updated 1/21/25
East Georgia State College (EGSC) is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Recruitment for faculty and staff is completed in accordance with the procedures set forth by the College’s Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) and approved by the President in consultation with Legal Affairs.
Recruitment also complies with Board of Regents (BOR), state, and federal policies, regulations, and laws.
In accordance with the University System of Georgia’s (USG) Statement on Principles, EGSC’s recruitment procedures shall be free of ideological tests, affirmations, and oaths. The basis and determining factor for hiring, promotion, and tenure are that the individual possesses the requisite knowledge, skills, and abilities associated with the role, and is believed to have the ability to successfully perform the essential functions, responsibilities, and duties associated with the position for which they are being considered. At the core of any hiring, promotion, or tenure decision is ensuring EGSC’s ability to achieve its mission and strategic priorities in support of student success.
All employees and units of EGSC are covered by this policy. Human Resources staff, hiring managers, and employees within EGSC should be familiar with this policy.
These definitions apply to these terms as they are used in these policies and procedures:
- Affirmations – the action or process of affirming a strongly held belief as a requirement for employment.
- Ideological Tests – Tests or questions based on or relating to a system of ideas and ideals, especially concerning economic or political theory and policy.
- Oaths – A solemn attestation of truth, adherence, or agreement to belief system or structures unrelated to the standards required for employment. The State of Georgia Loyalty Oath is excluded from this definition and policy.
- Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection - In 1978, the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) adopted the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures or “UGESP” under Title VII. See 29 C.F.R. Section 1607.1. UGESP provided uniform guidance for employers about how to determine if their tests and selection procedures were lawful for purposes of Title VII disparate impact theory.
- Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. Section 2000e et seq.) – As amended, protects employees and job applicants from employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin.
- Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 S.C. Section 1681 et seq.) – Protects people from sex discrimination in educational programs and activities at Institutions that receive financial assistance.
- Hiring Manager – individual responsible for the hiring process within their unit/department.
- Search Committee Chair - The Chair acts on behalf of the hiring manager to find the best- qualified candidate for the The Chair coordinates the search process outlined within EGSC recruitment policies and procedures.
Process and Procedures
The following guidelines apply for the recruitment of faculty and staff:
Screening Requirements and Data Collection
- Faculty and staff recruitment is based on institutional need and the availability of resources to fulfill the stated mission of the College. The EGSC Employee Applications policy governs the requisite data collection process for employment candidates. EGSC has established a screening and selection framework to effectively assess the qualifications, knowledge, and skills of candidates. This process is relegated to determining whether candidates can perform the stated duties of the role. The screening process may not extend beyond the stated mission and values of the College and functional expectations of the departmental unit. Likewise, departmental units may not develop or institute mission or value statements that are not aligned with and in support of the overall College’s mission and values.
- Generally, hiring managers should conduct the following steps:
- Identify the need and review and/or modify the existing job description/advertisement to ensure alignment with current organizational business needs.
- Job requirements such as minimum and preferred qualifications are considered selection tests and must be validated by human resources to ensure they are job- related and consistent with business necessity. Candidates shall not be required to submit any political litmus tests or ideological oaths, including personal statements related to diversity or supporting specific populations, as part of the employment process. EGSC may include appropriate scenario-based questions during the interview process to collect information related to specific experience supporting specific student populations when it is directly correlated and relevant to the duties associated with the role. See appendix for examples.
- Coordinate with HR to develop a job advertisement which includes a brief description of the College and its mission, a short summary of the role’s purpose, a list of responsibilities, a list of job requirements, and how to apply. The job advertisement should also include and be consistent with the USG Statement of Core Values and EGSC’s Values and Equal Employment Opportunity requirements. (Reference BOR Policy 6.5 Freedom of Expression)
- Select appropriate recruitment source(s) (external or internal) for posting the opening and decide on the selection stages and timeframe. Job postings should remain open for a minimum of five business days.
- Proceed through the screening and selection stages (including reviewing candidate’s application materials, conducting interviews, verifying references, ) and select the most suitable candidate.
- Social Media: EGSC may use publicly available social media as part of its hiring process
and will disclose to potential applicants on the EGSC Human Resources webpage that
information found on publicly posted social media accounts may be examined. Only the
Director of Human Resources, President, or a Cabinet member is authorized to conduct
any internet search of applicants. EGSC shall not request passwords or other methods
of access to information which is not publicly available. Any examination of social
media will take place only after interviews are conducted. If social media is reviewed
in the hiring process for a particular vacancy, it will be reviewed for all applicants.
The same search(es) will be conducted for each applicant. Any information accessed
will be used in accordance with federal and state laws, including those prohibiting
discrimination against protected classes. If information relevant to the hiring decision
is found during a social media search, a screenshot or printed copy will be retained,
along with a note indicating why it is relevant. If an adverse decision is based on
any such information, EGSC will follow the same pre-adverse decision and final adverse
decision processes used for background checks.
Social media also may be used for recruitment purposes. Any social media job advertisement shall follow applicable content and retention policies. - Upon selecting the final candidate, the hiring manager and the appropriate HR official will collaborate to develop an appropriate offer of employment (including position title, compensation, hire date, etc.).
Some stages of the hiring process may overlap or run concurrently. Hiring managers should work closely with their direct supervisor and the Office of Human Resources to ensure adherence to any associated policies, guidelines, rules, or laws. An appendix document with appropriate screening questions during the screening and selection process is included with this policy.
Georgia New Hire Reporting Program. Federal and State law requires employers to report newly hired and re-hired employees in Georgia to the Georgia New Hire Reporting Center. The Department of Human Resources will make this report within 10 days of hire.
Recruitment Training Expectations/Requirements for Employees.
EGSC will provide training to employees responsible for recruiting and hiring faculty and staff to ensure that procedures are appropriately and consistently followed. All training must be approved by the CHRO and President. The use of affirmations, ideological tests, and oaths (including diversity statements) are expressly prohibited and shall not be utilized for recruitment and selection purposes. Additionally, individual units and departments are not permitted to mandate recruitment training for search committee members or departmental employees beyond that which is approved by the CHRO and President.
Mandatory recruitment training shall be limited to that which complies with BOR, state, and federal policies, regulations, and laws.
Examples include:
- Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
- Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.
- Functional training associated with hiring and recruitment software and Institutional data management.
- Best practices related to candidate engagement and communication.
- Any requirements encompassed with the USG HRAP on General Criteria for Employment.
EGSC will maintain training records for all hiring managers, which may include sign-in sheets, electronic attendance records, or certificates of completion. Reference EGSC policy General Criteria for Employment for guidance on other required training.
Direct appointment rules and permissibility.
A direct appointment refers to the regular appointment of a person, where the normal advertising and competitive selection process is not applied, and EGSC’s business needs support this approach for an appointee whose unique skills and qualifications are documented. Upon approval for a direct appointment from the CHRO and President, all employment policies (including background checks) must be followed and adhered to. Nominations for direct appointments of staff or faculty may be made by a Cabinet member or the President.
This section is generally not applicable to internal, acting appointments, or promotions within the existing unit or reporting upline. However, all rules are applicable if and when an interim is assigned to the role on a regular basis.
Direct appointments may be possible as part of the hiring process to:
- appoint an internal candidate with relevant knowledge, skills and experience who uniquely meets the requirements and criteria for the role as specified in the position description;
- appoint an external candidate with significant leading status or international recognition in their field or a rare, exceptional skillset; or
- appoint a candidate who was a previous applicant for the same or similar position within the past twelve months.
All nominations or recommendations for appointments under this procedure shall contain the following information and require the relevant approval prior to commencing the appointment process:
- the written rationale for the appointment, explaining why a direct appointment process is preferable to a standard, competitive recruitment process;
- satisfactory evidence of how the proposed appointee meets the qualifications and possesses the requisite knowledge, skills and abilities as delineated within the position description;
- rationale explaining how the appointment is expected to contribute to EGSC’s strategic vision;
- the candidate’s CV or resume, qualifications, appropriate references, and details of their current position (if applicable) within another organization or Institution.
EGSC will use this option judiciously and ensure that all requirements are met and recorded for audit.
The justification materials for the direct appointment nomination or recommendation may also be used for the USG Advanced Salary Increase request when necessary.
The following approvals are required prior to directly appointing a candidate:
- President
- Chief Financial Officer
- Associate Vice President of Academics and the Provost (for faculty positions)
- Cabinet Member (for staff within the respective reporting unit)
- Chief HR Officer
- University System Office official, as appropriate by policy where there is shared reporting to the system office.
Appointment Notification and Offer Letters
Prior to approval of the appointment, all information and supporting documentation as referenced above must be submitted to the Office of Human Resources.
In consultation with the Hiring Manager, the HR Office will ensure that all policies and requirements are met and will subsequently issue an Offer of Employment to the preferred appointee and provide all information relevant to the appointment.
Procedural Fairness
Whenever the discretion not to advertise is exercised in accordance with this procedure, care must be taken to ensure that there is no other member of staff in the College, and in particular, the Department concerned, who could be deemed a suitable candidate for the position. Where this may be the case, it is recommended that the role is advertised internally, allowing all staff to be equitably considered for the role.
Conflicts of Interest
Particularly where the nominated appointee is an internal candidate, the staff member who is proposing a direct appointment must declare any conflicts of interest prior to commencing the appointment procedure process. (Reference EGSC Conflicts of Interest & Conflicts of Commitment)
Senior Administrator Search Procedures
I . Applicability and Scope
Per Board of Regents (BOR) Policy 2.6.3 (Personnel Policies), all USG institutions
must maintain formal written procedures for senior administrator searches and these
formal written procedures must be approved by the Chancellor or his or her designee.
These procedures establish our institutional protocols.
Senior administrative positions are subject to heightened scrutiny and more rigorous
search processes due to both their strategic importance to the institution and the
career advancement opportunities they represent for current employees. Searches for
senior administrative positions are expected to follow these protocols to ensure selection
of the most qualified candidates in a manner consistent with BOR policy.
These procedures apply to Senior Administrator positions, which include but are not
limited to:
- Provosts
- Vice Provosts
- Vice Presidents
- Deans
- Similar-level positions
While search processes can be flexible, following these procedures will ensure that
the search is structured and well documented.
II. Required Procedures
A. Creation of a Job Posting
Thorough documentation ensures consistency in evaluation and enables effective communication with all stakeholders. Each process element below is designed to support a successful search. The job posting is aligned with the job description.
Minimum Requirements:
- The Institution Chief Human Resources Officer (“CHRO”)1 must review and approve all senior administrator job postings prior to posting, advertising, or otherwise communicating the employment opportunity.
- Job Postings must not contain ideological tests, affirmations, oaths, or diversity statements.
- Job Postings must include the USG Statement of Core Values.
Job postings for direct reports to the President must be submitted to the USG Vice Chancellor of HR for approval. All job postings and any other required documentation to initiate a search must be submitted to the Institution CHRO for review and approval before any aspect of the recruitment effort begins.
B. Search Committee Formation
Search committee composition is crucial to the success of the recruitment process. Committees should represent varied perspectives and expertise while maintaining appropriate size and efficiency.
Minimum Requirements:
- Submit proposed committee composition to the institution CHRO for review.
- Strive to include representation across:
- Departments
- Roles
- Demographics
- External constituents or stakeholders
- Establish search committee charge (if applicable).
- Ensure each committee member has received employee recruitment training and has reviewed all Board policies related to employee recruitment.
C. Advertising the Position
Broad advertisement of the position to qualified candidates is an important part of
any recruitment effort.
Minimum Requirements:
- Both internal and external searches must be advertised in a place reasonably accessible for a minimum of 10 business days.
- All other advertising efforts for recruiting should be documented, including listservs, role-specific associations, conferences, etc.
- Ensure broad awareness and visibility. The Institution CHRO will approve an announcement that will be shared with institutional leadership (including but not limited to, the President’s cabinet, Deans, Chairs, and Department leaders, and with faculty senate and staff council). The announcement must include information on the timeline for the search and information on how to apply. It is expected that all employees in leadership will provide the announcement to the employees under their supervision.
D. Conducting the Search
Minimum Requirements:
- All applicants for positions must apply via the institutional Applicant Tracking System (ATS). This applies to both internal and external applicants.
- The position description will be used to develop the candidate evaluation criteria.
- Once employees are selected for an interview, a predetermined set of screening and interview questions should be developed to evaluate the candidate’s knowledge, skills, and competencies required for success in the role.
- Please see the USG Human Resources Administrative Manual Policy on Employee Recruitment Appendices I (Appropriate Screening Questions) & II (Appropriate Competency Based Employment Questions) ( for appropriate screening and competency-based employment questions.
- Questions must be free of ideological tests, affirmations, oaths, and diversity statements.
Interview documentation must focus solely on candidates' job-related qualifications, including their skills, professional experience, behavioral responses, and relevant knowledge. Do not include observations about physical appearance, personal characteristics, or any protected class attributes, which could potentially be perceived as discriminatory.
III. Search Firm Engagement (if applicable)
When circumstances warrant external expertise, search firms can be valuable partners. However, search firms must be carefully managed by the Institution CHRO to ensure USG and institutional policies, processes, and requirements are followed.
Minimum Requirements:
- The Institution must establish procedures for the use and funding of search firms to include the CHROs approval as part of the procedures except for the President’s direct reports.
- The CHRO will be involved in the search firm engagement and contracting to ensure all Board, USG HRAP, and institutional policies are followed.
- The CHRO will partner with the Hiring Manager to establish clear communication protocols
- Search firm
- Search committee
- CHRO's office
- Any institutional senior administrators as deemed reasonable or appropriate.
- The search firm must include the USG Statement of Core Values in the job position advertisement and should include the institution’s mission statement and core values.
- The search firm may not require applicants to submit to ideological tests, affirmations, oaths, or diversity statements as part of the application process.
IV. Employment Offer Process
Minimum Requirements:
- Reference checks must be conducted prior to an employment offer being extended. At
a minimum reference checks must include:
- Confirmation of current or previous relevant employment history and information related to performance, if provided.
- In searches for provosts, vice provosts and deans, the supervisor, search committee, or their designee must conduct a review of the applicant’s last three years of publications and other academic qualifications before a final offer may be extended. In searches for other academic affairs leadership roles, a thorough review of the applicant’s publications and other academic qualifications is recommended.
- If the candidate is currently or was formerly employed by USG or one of its institutions, a reference check with the current or former supervisor must be conducted, including rehire eligibility status. If the candidate is currently employed at another USG institution, the Hiring Manager must work with Human Resources to ensure outreach between the USG Presidents occurs prior to making a verbal offer of employment.
- The President or Hiring Manager must consult with the Chancellor or the Chancellor’s
designee prior to hiring for key leadership roles to include but not limited to, Chief
Business Officer, Chief Academic Officer, Title IX coordinator, Chief of Police, and
internal auditor (BOR policy 2.6.3) and any roles reporting to the President. The
consultation may include:
- Discussion of the search process, the candidates, and the recommended finalist(s). Review of the CV or resume of the finalist(s) candidates and/or finalist candidate interviews may be requested.
- Discussion of the offer and any additional compensation components
- When hiring for the Chief Academic Officer, the President must consult with the USG
Chief Academic Officer prior to hiring (BOR policy - Administrative Officers).
Additionally, the offer of tenure must comply with BOR policy in which the
award of tenure upon appointment shall not vest until the completion of any applicable
probationary period. The consultation may include:
- Discussion of the search process, the candidates, and the recommended finalist(s). Review of the CV or resume of the finalist(s) candidates and/or finalist candidate interviews may be requested.
- Discussion of the offer and any additional compensation components.
- Once reference checks and required USG outreach has been completed, the Hiring Manager will coordinate with Human Resources before extending a job offer to the final candidate recommended for hire.
- After obtaining proper approvals, Human Resources will extend the official employment
offer to the finalist (including salary negotiations).
- Reference checks must be conducted prior to an employment offer being extended. At
a minimum reference checks must include:
V. Failed Search Procedures
If no acceptable candidate is found, or if all acceptable candidates decline or withdraw from the search, the Hiring Manager has two options:
- Extend the search or,
- Request the search be designated as failed.
- If a search fails, the Hiring Manager may work with Human Resources to review the job posting and/or classification for reposting. All job changes must be compliant with the established classification structure as administered by Human Resources.
- When revising job responsibilities or minimum job requirements, the changes should be for the purpose of widening the qualified applicant population and may not be for the benefit of a single candidate.
VI. Documentation Requirements
At the completion of the search, the search committee chair or Hiring Manager should gather the search materials and submit them to Human Resources for records retention, in compliance with the USG Employee Recruitment Policy.
Minimum Required Documentation:
- Candidate packets from all applicants (i.e., letters of application or application forms, curriculum vitae or resumes, academic transcripts, samples of writing or publications, and reference letters)
- Job posting
- Position advertisements
- Approval documentation to initiate the position search
- Evaluation rubrics and scoring sheets for applicants
- Interview questions (including those for telephone and face-to-face interviews) and interview notes
- Reference check notes
VII. Direct Appointments
Direct appointments may be used instead of the competitive recruitment described above.
Circumstances might include:
- Appointing an internal candidate with relevant knowledge, skills and experience who uniquely meets the requirements and criteria for the role as specified in the position description;
- Appointing an external candidate with significant leading status or international recognition in their field or a rare, exceptional skillset; or
- Appointing a candidate who was a previous applicant for the same or similar position within the past 12 months.
As with the competitive recruitment process, there are several approval, procedural and documentation related requirements associated with Direct Appointments which must be followed. If considering a direct appointment, the Hiring Manager must discuss with the CHRO before proceeding. You may also view our institutional direct appointment policy online at
Board policies 2.6.3 Personnel Policies, Administrative Officers and Award of Tenure apply to all direct appointments and consultation with the Chancellor or Chancellor’s designee is required for positions indicated by policy.
VIII. Footnotes
- All CHRO responsibilities under these guidelines may be assigned to a designee in writing by the CHRO for any individual search under extenuating circumstances.
- EGSC Freedom of Expression and Academic Freedom
- EGSC Affirmative Action Policy & Affirmative Action Plan
- BOR 8.2.1 Equal Employment Opportunity
- BOR Statement of Core Values
- EGSC Conflicts of Interest & Conflicts of Commitment
- BOR Intersystem Recruitment
- BOR 8.3.1 Faculty Employment
- EGSC Employment Applications
- EGSC Human Resources Hiring Process for Staff Positions (available in the myEGSC Portal)
- EGSC Human Resources Hiring Process for Faculty Positions (available in the myEGSC Portal)
- BOR Eligibility for Rehire (PDF)
- EGSC General Criteria for Employment
- Appendix I and II Appropriate Screening Questions (below)
Appendix I: Recruitment Appendix Document Regarding Appropriate Screening Questions
Screening and interview questions should focus on the candidate’s ability to successfully perform the position for which they are being considered. Generally, state, and federal equal opportunity laws prohibit the use of pre-employment inquiries that disproportionately screen out members based on protected status when the questions are not justified by some business purpose. The EEOC and state agencies take the position that the information obtained through pre- employment inquiries should be aimed solely at determining qualifications without regard to criteria based on irrelevant, non-job-related factors. Accordingly, inquiries that reveal information bearing no relationship to the qualifications for the job sought (e.g., year of graduation from high school, childcare arrangements, country of origin) have been viewed as evidence of an employer's discriminatory intent. Unless the information is for a legitimate purpose (see information under "Bona Fide Occupational Qualifications" above and "Application Forms" below), pre-employment questions about disability, race, gender, religion, national origin, or other protected classes can suggest that the information will be used as a basis for making selection decisions. If the information is used in the selection decision and members of particular groups are excluded from employment, the inquiries can constitute evidence of discrimination.
A bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ) is a provision that permits discriminatory practices in employment only if a person's "religion, sex, or national origin is a bona fide occupational qualification reasonably necessary to the normal operation of that particular business or enterprise". To establish the defense of a BFOQ, the employer has the burden of proving that a particular class of employees would be unable to perform the job safely or efficiently and that the BFOQ is reasonably necessary to the operation of the business. Typically, it is difficult for most employers that are not religious organizations to invoke the BFOQ defense, as the parameters surrounding it are limited. Title VII does permit employers to hire and employ employees on the basis of religion if religion is "a bona fide occupational qualification reasonably necessary to the normal operation of that particular business or enterprise."
The following includes high level guidance regarding screening and interview questions that are legally permissible. The list is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather for illustrative purposes. The Human Resources department is responsible for providing assistance and guidance in developing and utilizing legally compliant interview and screening questions.
Topic | Not Permissible | Permissible |
Address/Length of Residence |
Age |
Arrest and Conviction |
Attendance, Reliability |
Citizenship/National Origin |
Credit Record |
Disabilities, Handicaps, Illness |
Education |
Gender |
Language |
Military Record |
Organizations |
Parental Status |
Physical Features |
Race or Color |
Reference Checking |
Religion or Creed |
Sexual Orientation |
Worker's Compensation |
APPENDIX II: Recruitment Appendix Regarding Appropriate Competency Based Employment Questions
Examples of Competency Based Interview Questions (Technical and Behavioral Competencies)
Job Related Competency | Sample Questions |
Customer Orientation |
How do you handle problems with customers? Give an example. How do you go about establishing rapport with a customer? What have you done to gain their confidence? Give an example. What have you done to improve relations with your customers? |
Conflict Resolution |
Describe a time when you took personal accountability for a conflict. What was the issue and how was it resolved? |
Decision Making |
Discuss an important decision you have made regarding a task or project at work. What factors influenced your decision? Everyone has made some poor decisions or has done something that just did not turn out right. Has this happened to you? What happened? Tell us about a time when you had to defend a decision you made even though other important people What was your most difficult decision in the last 6 months? What made it difficult? doing it? |
Detail-Oriented | Have the jobs you held in the past required little attention, moderate attention, or a great deal of attention to detail? Give me an example of a situation that illustrates this requirement. |
Technical Skills |
What type of software programs do you consider yourself an expert in? Tell us about a time that you utilized a software program to resolve a business issue and improve efficiencies. What kinds of problems have you had coordinating technical projects? How did you solve them? |
Professional Expertise | Tell us about a time that your knowledge and subject matter expertise were instrumental in the successful development and/or implementation of a project or program for the organization that you worked for. |
Employee Development |
Tell us about a training program that you have developed or enhanced. Have you ever had an employee whose performance was consistently marginal? What did you do? |
Delegation | How do you make the decision to delegate work? What was the biggest mistake you have had when delegating work? The biggest success? |