Revisions Adopted by President’s Cabinet 3-24-15; 6/27/17; 9/27/17; 5/22/18; 8/8/22; 7/29/24 AE
Initially Adopted by President’s Cabinet 10-30-12

Policy Overview and Scope of Policy

East Georgia State College (EGSC) affirms that no rights are more highly regarded than the first amendment guarantees of freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and the right to assemble peaceably.  EGSC also recognizes its responsibility to provide a secure learning environment that allows individuals enrolled or employed by EGSC and their invited guests (“college community”) to express their views in ways that do not disrupt the operation of the College. This policy in no way prohibits members of the EGSC community from engaging in conversations on campus and does not apply to College-sponsored activities or classroom instruction or participation. All unrestricted  outdoor areas of campus are open for free expression purposes for members of the campus community, subject to certain limitations contained herein. For the non-college community, this policy establishes preferred public forums (certain outdoor areas of EGSC’s campus) and sets forth the requirements for forum reservations. By placing reasonable limitations on time, place and manner of speech, EGSC does not take a position on the content or viewpoint of the expression but allows for diversity of expression to be expressed in an academic setting.

“College community” is defined as any person enrolled and/or employed at EGSC and recognized student clubs and organizations and invited guests. “Non-college community” is defined as individuals or groups who are not employed or enrolled at the college and are not invited guests of students or employees.

Individual speakers and groups desiring use of indoor campus facilities for expressive purposes or political purposes are directed to the Facilities Usage, Scheduling Policies and Fees and to the Political Activities on Campus Policy. For more information contact the Director of Institutional Advancement and Community Relations.

  1. Freedom of Expression by College Community
    1. Planned Large Group Expression: All public outdoor areas of the campus are available for use by members of the college community for free expression. Public outdoor areas are generally available for this purpose between 8:00 am and 9:00 pm, Monday through Friday. For members of the college community totaling 30 or more, use of these areas for speaking, demonstrating and other forms of expression must be scheduled through the Director of Institutional Advancement and Community Relations (478-289-2464) to best accommodate all interested users. Users must complete and submit a Grounds Reservation Form to the Director of Institutional Advancement and Community Relations for each event at least 48 hours in advance of desired usage. See paragraph IV herein “Procedures for Grounds Reservation Requests.”
    2. Spontaneous Campus Expression: Members of the campus community may spontaneously and contemporaneously assemble or distribute literature in the unrestricted outdoor areas of campus. EGSC reserves the right to direct the group to another available area on campus to ensure the safety of campus members, to provide for proper crowd control, and to limit disruption of the academic and other operations of the college. In making a decision to redirect a group as indicated above, the EGSC Police Department must not consider or impose restrictions based on the content or viewpoint of the expression.
  2. Freedom of Expression by Non-College Community
    Individuals or groups that are not enrolled or employed by East Georgia State College and are not a guest of a student or employee may engage in expressive activity in  the Preferred Location areas. EGSC has designated preferred public forum spaces on campus, referred to as “Preferred Locations.” The Preferred Locations are outdoor, centrally located high traffic areas of campus. The areas designated as a Preferred Location for free expression at the Swainsboro campus are the grassed area outside the Student Center (Richard L. Brown Hall entrance) and the grassed area in front of the Physical Education Building; for Statesboro, the Preferred Location is set forth in the Georgia Southern Freedom of Expression Policy.  For EGSC Augusta campus preferred locations, see Augusta University’s Freedom of Expression Policy.  
    1. The EGSC Swainsboro campus preferred locations are available between the hours of 8AM and 9PM Monday – Friday  subject to the following requirements:
      1. Must submit a Grounds Reservation Form for each requested event, with event materials attached, to the Director of Institutional Advancement and Community Relations, at least two days prior to the scheduled event and obtain approval in writing as provided in Paragraph III herein.
      2. Must follow the procedures and comply with the requirements in the Procedures for Grounds Reservation Requests in Paragraph III of this policy.
      3. External speakers may be assessed security fees based on expected attendance at the rate of $26.75 per hour per the EGSC Facilities Usage Policies; one police officer per 100 attendees.
      4. Under no conditions will a non-campus speaker be allowed to sell items or solicit funds on campus.
  3. Procedures for Grounds Reservation Requests
    1. General Procedures: College community members with planned large group expression (see IA) and non-college community members engaging in free expression (regardless of group size) must complete a Grounds Reservation Form.  EGSC recommends that ALL parties interested in planned free expression on campus submit a completed Grounds Reservation Form prior to use so that EGSC may minimize conflicts, accommodate all interested users, and provide adequate security for the speaker and the audience. The form must be completed at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the desired use. The Director of Institutional Advancement and Community Relations will respond to requests within one business day. In the event multiple requests conflict, college sponsored events will take first priority, followed by student organization events, and student events and activities, third priority. The Director of Institutional Advancement and Community Relations will forward requests to the Assistant Director of Student Conduct & Title IX Coordinator for review. The Assistant Director of Student Conduct & Title IX Coordinator will review requests and send her response to the Director of Institutional Advancement and Community Relations. The request may be denied for one or more reasons in Section D below. When assessing a reservation request, the Assistant Director of Student Conduct & Title IX Coordinator and Provost/Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs (on appeal) must not consider or impose restrictions based on the content or viewpoint of the expression.  The Director of Institutional Advancement and Community Relations will communicate the confirmation or denial to the requester.  Requesters may appeal the decision to the Provost/Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs as provided in Paragraph F herein.
    2. Distribution of Written Material. Non-commercial pamphlets, handbills, circulars, newspapers, magazines and other written materials may be distributed by the college community and non-college community on a person-to-person basis in common areas indoors or outdoors, so long as such distribution does not interfere with or operate to the detriment of the conduct of College operations or the free flow of traffic.  Users that are required to submit a Grounds Reservation Form and desiring to distribute written material must submit a copy of the written material at the time of the reservation. Written materials must bear identification as to the publishing agency and distributing organization or individual. The purpose of submission of the materials is to verify the placement of the publisher’s name, individual and/or organizations involved on the materials. No materials may be distributed by a speaker unless and until said speaker’s request ( Grounds Reservation Form ) has been approved by the Director of Institutional Advancement and Community Relations. A speaker provided stand, table or booth may be used for material distribution upon prior approval of the Director of Institutional Advancement and Community Relations.  The College maintains a position of neutrality as to the content of any written material distributed on the campus under this policy.
    3. Denial of Requests. The Director of Institutional Advancement and Community Relations may deny a reservation request for one of the following reasons:
      1. The Grounds Reservation Form is not fully completed;
      2. The Grounds Reservation Form contains a material falsehood or misrepresentation;
      3. The Preferred Location or open area has been reserved by persons who previously submitted a completed Grounds Reservation Form, in which case the College must provide a reservation for the applicant at an alternate location, alternate date or alternate time;
      4. The use or activity intended by the applicant would conflict with or disturb previously planned programs organized and conducted by the College;
      5. The Preferred Location or open area is not large enough to accommodate the expected actual number of persons engaging in large group expression, in which case the College must provide a reservation for the applicant at an alternate location that can safely accommodate the applicant provided such location exists on the EGS campus;
      6. The use or activity intended by the applicant would present a danger to the health or safety of the applicant, other members of EGSC community, or the public; or
      7. The use or activity intended by the applicant is prohibited by law or EGSC policy.
    4. Time, Place and Manner Provisions. In order that persons exercising freedom of expression not interfere with the orderly operation of the College or the rights of others, the following will apply without exception to any form of expression and will be used to evaluate any plans requiring approval.  Reasonable limitations may be placed on the time, place and manner of free expression activities such as speeches, demonstrations, distribution of written material, and marches in order to serve the interest of health and safety, prevent disruption of the educational process, and protect against the invasion of the rights of others. A typical length of time for a speaker will be 1.5 hours. Frequency shall be no more than once a month under normal circumstances (members of the same group or organization dealing with the same general topic will be considered one speaker for the purpose of scheduling stipulation). Members of the college community and non-college community speakers engaging in expressive activity on campus agree that the individuals participating in the expressive activities must not:
      1. Obstruct vehicular, pedestrian or other traffic.
      2. Attract a crowd larger than the requested location or spontaneous expression location could contain. In such instances, groups may be relocated as provided herein.
      3. Use sound amplification on campus Monday – Friday 8AM -9PM or when any educational program is in session. Any amplification requests after these hours must be approved at least 48 hours in advance by the Director of Institutional Advancement and Community Relations.
      4. Obstruct entrances or exits to buildings, impede passersby, or disrupt normal college activities.
      5. Interference with educational activities inside or outside of buildings.
      6. Interfere with scheduled College ceremonies, events or activities.
      7. Represent a threat to public safety; such expression will be denied or halted, at the discretion of EGSC Police Department.
      8. Maliciously damage or destroy property owned or operated by the College, or property belonging to students, faculty, staff or guests of the College. Persons or organizations causing such damage may be held financially responsible.
      9. Include camping or erection of temporary structures (tents, etc.) on campus as part of the activities.
      10. Fail to comply with all applicable state and federal laws and College policies, rules and regulations.
      11. Light any material on fire; open flames devices or bonfires.
      12. Leave any event items or materials behind after the event. Persons or organizations responsible for a demonstration or other expressive event must remove all resulting structures, signs and litter from the area at the end of the event.  If this is not accomplished, persons or organizations responsible for the event may be held financially responsible.

        Speakers and/or organizations failing to comply with the above policy may be asked to leave, a trespass warning may be issued, and/or College disciplinary action or judicial action may be pursued.
    5. Appeal Procedure. An appeal of a reservation denial under this policy may be made to the Provost/Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs. The appeal must be made within ten business days of the decision. The appeal must be in writing and state the basis for appeal. The Provost/Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs will meet with the requester and review all materials relative to the request. The Provost/Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs will issue his/her decision in writing. No further appeal is available.

Questions about this policy may be directed to:
Harley Strickland,  Vice President for Institutional Advancement
131 College Circle, Swainsboro, GA 30401. 
Phone: 478-289-2037