Adopted by President’s Cabinet 10/22/19
Revisions Adopted by President’s Cabinet 10-27-20


In order to provide effective and efficient communication to East Georgia State College (EGSC) faculty, staff and students for campus events and issues that are critical and non-critical, the college utilizes various notification systems. Listed below are the systems currently utilized by the college:

    • Blackboard ConnectED – for campus events/issues that are critical/emergencies
    • Federal Signal Siren System – for events/issues at Swainsboro campus that are critical/emergencies
    • Monarch Broadcast Messaging – for campus events/issues (i.e., new student orientations) that are non-emergency in nature
    • Mongoose Cadence Text Messaging System – for two-way campus communications that are non-emergency in nature.


The purpose/scope of this document is to provide information about each texting/voice messaging system utilized by the college. The information includes the purpose of the system, permissible use of the system, method used to inform employees and students of the availability of the system and subscribing instructions, the unit/staff responsible for the system and cost related information.

Blackboard ConnectED

Purpose of System

This system is utilized to inform EGSC faculty, staff and students of EGSC campus emergencies, such as campus closings due to inclement weather. Messages can be sent via phone, text and email.

Permissible Use of System

This system is used only to send notifications for campus events/issues that are critical/emergencies and/or to send timely warning and to the emergency notification system as required by the Clery Act and the “EGSC Annual Security & Fire Safety Report.”

Communication Method(s) for Service and Subscribing

EGSC students are informed of the ConnectED service via the online new student orientation. Students are automatically subscribed/opted into the service. Information on how to unsubscribe from the service and/or make changes to student contact information in the service is included in the ConnectED portion of the online new student orientation and at the emergency notification information page on our website.

EGSC faculty and staff are informed of the ConnectED service via the EGSC online HR Training and Staff Development modules, specifically via the EGSC Employee Handbook and via the online EGSC Emergency Response Flipchart. EGSC faculty and staff are automatically subscribed to the service via their EGSC email address. Information for faculty and staff on how to add phone and/or text messaging contact numbers to the service is available at the emergency notification information page on our website.

Unit/Staff Responsible for System

Due to the required interface with the BANNER system, Information Technology (IT) is the primary unit responsible for the management of the system. For notification delivery, staff members in Institutional Advancement and the Police Department provide backup/secondary assistance to IT staff.


The cost of the system is included in the Information Technology budget and renews each October. The cost of the system includes unlimited messaging.

Federal Signal Siren System

Purpose of System

This system is utilized to inform EGSC faculty, staff and students of EGSC campus emergencies, such as inclement weather or Police emergencies at the Swainsboro campus. Messages can be sent via a computer terminal in the Police Department (PD).

Permissible Use of System

This system is used only to send notifications for campus events/issues that are critical/emergencies.

Communication Method(s) for Service and Subscribing

The system is an outdoor siren and loudspeaker, so no subscribing is necessary. Coverage is about 1 ½ miles from the speaker, in every direction.

Unit/Staff Responsible for System

Because the system only has one terminal, located in the Police Department, EGSC Police (PD) is the primary unit responsible for the management of the system.


The cost of the system is included in the Information Technology (IT) budget and renews each year. The cost of the system includes unlimited messaging.

Monarch Broadcast Messaging

Purpose of System

To communicate with students regarding various issues (i.e., campus specific activities, missing documents, orientation, open house, etc.). EGSC staff sends voice message notifications to identified student populations at EGSC.

Permissible Use of System

The system is primarily used to inform students regarding student affairs related issues. Other campus departments would be eligible to use the service (i.e. AAMI, business office, marketing, etc.).

Communication Method(s) for Service and Subscribing

Calls are made from actual EGSC phone numbers. A list of students must be generated by the sender using an excel CSV file. Once the list is uploaded into the monarch broadcasting system, an automated message is recorded. From there, the sender selects the date and time of the message to be sent. After the calls have completed, an activity report is emailed to the unit coordinators.

Unit/Staff Responsible for System

Associate Vice President for Academics and Enrollment Management, Director of East Georgia State College – Augusta, and/or Director of Admissions. Cost: Moving forward, the cost of the system will come from one budget (IT). Money can be added to the account on an “as needed basis.”

Mongoose Cadence Text Messaging System

Purpose of System

This system is utilized by all EGSC campuses to conduct two-way communications between EGSC units and stakeholders to efficiently convey relevant information such as financial aid deadlines, academic advising, college activities, events, housing and scholarship information. The text can be targeted to a broad audience or specific in nature to one person (i.e., missing document request). Parents, prospective students, alumni and other stakeholders may also be communicated with through this service.

Permissible Use of System

EGSC departments will use this system to engage in non-emergency, two-way communication with targeted audiences (current students, prospective students, parents, clubs, alumni, etc.) using appropriate communication templates and responses. Activity reports will be generated as needed and for annual assessment of the system’s value.

Communication Method(s) for Service and Subscribing

A list of mobile numbers generated from Argos, or other College sponsored databases, will be uploaded into the Mongoose Cadence system via an excel CSV file by each administrative user. The user is then able to send a text message to the mobile numbers that have been downloaded into the Mongoose Cadence platform. Other stakeholders whose mobile numbers are not downloaded may also communicate with a user by texting the user’s assigned Mongoose Cadence number. EGSC students are informed of the Mongoose Cadence system service via the online new student orientation. Any individual who no longer wishes to receive texts may opt-out at any time by requesting via text or by texting STOP to the user’s specific Mongoose Cadence number.

Unit/Staff Responsible for System

General oversight is provided by the Director of EGSC-Statesboro, who will collaborate with the Associate Vice President for Academics and Enrollment Management, Director of East Georgia State College – Augusta, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs, and Director of Admissions to ensure proper usage of the system by each unit/department and to ensure training is provided each semester. Units/departments will have various assigned Administrative Users and Non-Administrative Users. Administrative Users are defined as team leaders that will manage the success of the tool and provide functional support. They can import and export student data, create and manage Mongoose user accounts, monitor platform usage, and initiate larger-scale text message campaigns. Non-Administrative Users are defined as staff members who will actively text, manage everyday touchpoints and communications, and build relationships with students. Some Units/Departments will have Administrative Users who take on the responsibility of a Non-Administrative User. Each user must complete the Mongoose Cadence Training and Policy Acknowledgement form (attached) that must be renewed each semester following the semesterly system training. Supervisors of the users and the Director of EGSC-Statesboro will approve the acknowledgment form each semester. Any user who does not complete the semesterly training will have their Mongoose account disabled until the training is completed.


The cost of the system will be included in the Information Technology budget and is renewed annually. 

Mongoose Cadence Training and Policy Acknowledgement Form (PDF)