Adopted by President’s Cabinet 01/26/2016
Revisions Adopted by President’s Cabinet 5/22/18; Issued 1/6/25

East Georgia State College supports the University System of Georgia (USG) Policy on Gift/Gratuities and Employee Expenses Paid by Vendors. Click the link below for the full policy.

HRAP Gratuity Employee Relations (PDF)

Companion Policies

Employees should make every effort to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest. An appearance of a conflict of interest exists when a reasonable person will conclude from the circumstances that the employee’s ability to protect the public interest, or perform public duties, is compromised by a personal, financial or business interest. Employees are also directed to the Georgia Conflict of Interest statutes OCGA 45-10-20 – 45-10- 70, Board of Regents Ethics Policy, Gratuities Policy, Conflicts of Interest and Conflicts of Commitment Policy and the Political Activities Policy of the Board of Regents and EGSC, as applicable.

Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to an including termination of employment.

Gifts and Gratuities Self-Disclosure Form (PDF)