Adopted by President’s Cabinet 8/5/19
Applicants Who Require Presidential Exception for Consideration for Admission
- General Equivalency Diploma (GED) recipients
- High School graduates with below a 2.0 high school grade point average (HSGPA) based on Required High School Curriculum (RHSC) coursework
Procedures for Applicants Receiving Presidential Exception Consideration
- Student Affairs Counselor will complete the Presidential Exception form for applicable students
- Student information will be submitted to the Director of Admissions for review and approval
- Student will receive the PREX attribute for identification purposes
- Student information will be included in a spreadsheet and submitted to the President
for approval
- Student name
- ID
- Entrance Scores
- Summary of recommendation
- Running percentage of freshman receiving exceptions
- Recommendations for Presidential Exception consideration will be made each Friday and information will be forwarded to the President for a final decision
- Students are granted the recommended exception three business days after submission to the President unless the recommendation is denied
- In the absence of the President, recommendations will be submitted to the VPASA for consideration
- Considerations for the Presidential Exception will be given through the third day of the semester. Exceptions after this time will not be considered/granted