Approved by President’s Cabinet 1/21/25


To ensure academic success and maintain a conducive living environment, this policy outlines the procedures for addressing academic deficiencies among residents in campus housing.


Academic deficiency is defined as failure to maintain a term GPA greater than 0.0.


Residents who earn a term GPA of 0.0 will be excluded from the Bobcat Villas for the following academic term.

        1. Notification and Removal:
          • Residents will be notified of their removal within 5 business days of final grades being posted.
          • Residents will have 14 days from the email notice to retrieve their belongings.
        2. Return to Bobcat Villas:
          • Residents required to leave due to a term GPA of 0.0 may return once they achieve a term GPA above 1.0 in the subsequent academic term.
          • Residents with a 0.0 GPA in the Spring semester may take Summer term courses to improve their GPA and return to housing in the Fall semester.
          • Residents with a 0.0 GPA in the Fall semester may take Spring and/or Summer term courses to improve their GPA and return to housing in the Fall semester.
        3. Appeal Process:
          • Residents may appeal their removal within 5 business days of the notification email by submitting a formal appeal with supporting documentation. The link for the appeal submission will be provided in the notification email.
              • Residents are encouraged to meet with their student success coach for assistance with completing the appeal application.
              • Students must include a statement outlining the circumstances that contributed to their 0.0 GPA and changes they plan to make to ensure future academic success.
              • Supporting documentation is required. Appeals submitted without documentation will not be considered.
                  • In cases involving injury, illness, death of relative, supporting documentation is requested from a medical doctor, clergy, professional, etc.
                  • In cases involving extenuating/special circumstances, the type of documentation will depend on the circumstances. A statement describing the circumstances is required.
          • All appeals will be reviewed by the Housing Committee and a response will be made to the student within 5 business days.
          • If the appeal is denied, residents may appeal to the Provost & Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs within 5 days of notification of the Committee’s decision. A decision on the appeal will be made within 5 business days. This decision is final.
        4. Support for Students with GPA ≤ 2.0
          • Residents with a GPA ≤ 2.0 will be placed on an Academic Success Plan the following semester.
          • Failure to complete the requirements of the Academic Success Plan will result in exclusion from the Bobcat Villas for one semester, subject to the requirements outlined in Section 2 – Return to Bobcat Villas.
        5. Midterm GPA Monitoring:
          • Residents with a midterm GPA < 2.0 will be placed on an Academic Success Plan for the remainder of the semester. If the student is already on an Academic Success Plan due to prior semester academic deficiency, they may be removed from housing for the remainder of the semester.
          • Failure to complete the requirements of the Academic Success Plan will result in exclusion from the Bobcat Villas for one semester, subject to requirements outlined in Section 2 – Return to Bobcat Villas.

Effective Date

This policy will be implemented starting Spring 2025 and will be reviewed each Summer to ensure its effectiveness in promoting academic success and maintaining a supportive living environment. The GPA thresholds may be adjusted as a result of the annual review of the policy.